Join us for worship:
Your heart; Christ's home.

April 28th • 10 a.m.
Pastor Art Tung preaching: A Peace Plan for Gaza

In-person: St. Paul's Lutheran Church
50 East Plumstead Avenue, Lansdowne

St. Paul's Worship Service

St. Paul is a Lutheran Church but we use a blended liturgy, taken from many years of Lutheran tradition as well as other worship services. Read the order of a typical service at the right.We hear God's Word; we pray; we sing; we laugh.

For younger worshipers, we have a nursery space in another part of the building where you can give them space to wiggle and giggle.

Communion is celebrated every Sunday. All baptized persons are welcome to receive Communion. Children who do not receive Communion are welcome to join their families at the Commnion rail to receive a blessing.

Communion may be received by common cup – eat your wafer after Pastor gives it to you and sip the wine from the cup held by the first assistant who comes by. Or you may take communion using intinction – keep the wafer and dip it into the wine in the second cup that comes by. After receiving the sacrament, please return to your seat.

Our dress code is casual. You'll see sport coats – occasionally even a tie – as well as jeans, pants, skirts and shorts when the weather turns warm. Our sanctuary is air conditioned.We don't care what you wear; we care only that you join us.

We encourage all who are willing to help with the service as readers, communion assistants, choir members, greeters, ushers or members of the altar guild. St. Paul has many opportunities to serve the Lord before, during and after worship.

Order of Service

Each Sunday, our service follows the same basic order, outlined below. Scriptures for each week can be read on our Scripture & Prayer page.

Musical Prelude

Welcome and Announcements

Confession and Forgiveness

Gathering Hymn

Greeting & Prayer of the Day

The Scriptures (Read next Sunday's scriptures)

Sermon Hymn


Creed (Apostle's or Apostolic,
    sometimes an Affirmation of Faith)

Prayers of Intercession

Sharing of the Peace

Offering & Offering Prayer

The Great Thanksgiving (preparation for Communion)

Lord’s Prayer

Invitation to Communion

Hymn during Distribution

Prayer after Communion

Sending Hymn

Blessing & Dismissal